Thomas Sorenson
Graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle in 1980 with a degree in oceanography. Basically qualifying me to be a deck hand or lab assistant. Enter recession and government hiring freeze, no jobs in my field. Got a job as an apprentice at a small custom metal fabrication shop. Loved working with my hands and loved the job. Who wouldn't love a job that's play all day. Fabricated high end residential architectural details,i.e. custom kitchen range hoods, railings, custom furniture and accessories for several local designers. Moved to Tucson in 2001 after the big split with significant other. Worked for AOL for 2.5 years until the Dilbert factor caught up with me. Quit that job to protect my sanity. Took a job with a local start-up company, Edgeline Designs, manufacturing residential lighting. Worked as production manager until the great recession when they sold out to another company. Got hired back after 6 months off recuperating from a serious horse wreck, and stayed with them until being laid off in 2013. With age discrimination being rampant I decided to find a different way to make money other than working for someone. Then my mother's health started to decline. So, now I play chauffeur, cook and gofer for my 91 year old mother, trade options on the S&P 500 index, and go county dancing every weekend. When I get a chance to get away, I usually take off for Corpus Christi, TX to work on my kiteboarding skills. That's my life in a nutshell.
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